Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

2 52 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS bership is limited to thirty. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month. FRENCH CLUB Le Cercle Francais includes students who have had at least one year's work in French. The club meets once a week throughout the year. Its proceedings are conducted in French, the object being to supplement the work of the class room by the practical handling and understanding of the language. THE LATIN CLUB This is an organization for the purpose of promoting interest in the language and institutions of the Roman world. It meets once in two weeks. LIBRARY CLUB The library staff and the Library School have organized a Library Club which meets once in three weeks throughout the college year. The club considers literary topics which are allied to the library work, but does not deal with the technical subjects which are included in the library school course. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SOCIETY This club meets on the first and third Saturday evenings of each month. All students pursuing mechanical and electrical engineering studies are eligible to membership. Papers relating to subjects of interest to members are presented and discussed at each meeting. MEDICAL CLUB The Medical Club is composed of students, irrespective of courses and departments, who are preparing for medical study, or who are for any reason interested in medical subjects. Its programs consist of lectures by members of the biological faculty and by physicians, and of papers prepared by members of the club. It meets weekly.