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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ZOOLOGY 237 numerous studies and preparations of the Protozoa. Lectures on the structure, physiology, and classification of the Protozoa, their relations to plants and to the organization, embryological development, and history of the higher animals are made to elucidate and illustrate the general theory of zoology. The general zoology of the remaining lower invertebrate forms, including Vermes, finishes the work of the term. b. The second term is devoted to the morphology, physiology, and general classification of the remaining invertebrates, principal attention being given to the Arthropoda. It is directed especially towards the entomological courses of this department. The laboratory work includes a special study of the crayfish, and of the embryology of the potato beetle, followed by a considerable amount of semi-independent work upon the invertebrate fresh water fauna of the region. c. The third term's work is on vertebrates, and in the laboratory principal attention is given to the anatomy of necturus, and anatomical and systematic studies of fishes and birds, supplemented by work in the museum on the osteology of mammals and examination of mounted specimens. The general method is that of comparative anatomy, with special reference to the anatomy of man, this part of the course being directed particularly towards the physiological courses of the University which follow upon it. Philosophical zoology takes the form in this term of a course of lectures on the general theory of organic development, illustrated by a systematic study, by lectures and reading, of the modern doctrine of the descent of man. Winter and spring terms, at 8, and at 10; fall term, at 1.20, full credit. Assistant Professor SMITH. Required: An entrance credit in chemistry, or chemistry 1, an entrance credit in zoology, or zoology 10 or 11. Art and design 1 must be taken with this course if it has not been taken previously. 2. This course consists of the first and second terms' work of zoology i. It is intended especially to serve as a thorough zoological preparation for general entomology (zoology 6). It will be accepted as a minor instead of zoology 10. Winter and spring terms, full credit. Required: Same subjects as for course 1. 3. This course consists of the first and third terms' work of course 1. It is intended to serve as a thorough zoological preparation for physiology 1, and is especially commended to students contemplating the study of medicine. Winter and fall terms, full credit.
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