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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

MUSIC 2 23 Fourth Year. Selections: Octave Studies; Clementi, Gradus, continued; Bach, Well-Tempered Clavichord, continued; Chopin, Etudes; Henselt, Etudes; Rubinstein, Etudes; sonatas By Beethoven, and concertos and other compositions by the great masters, classic and romantic, both of the older and the more modern schools. Professor JONES. 4. a and b. COURSE FOR THE ORGAN.—Similar preparatory and collegiate courses for the organ will be offered for anyone caring to make this the principal instrument. Professor JONES. 5. COURSE FOR THE VOICE.—(a) Preparatory. The placing of the voice and proper position of the mouth and throat. Randegger's Singing. The first fifteen of the Fifty Condone Studies. Simple songs for rhythm, accent, and proper pronunciation of words. (b) Collegiate. First Year: Voice production, Randegger's Singing continued. All the Fifty Congone Studies. Songs of Mendelssohn, Schubert, and those of good modern composers. Second Year: Voice production. Viardot-Garcia's Hour of Study. Book I for technical work. Twenty-five and Fifteen Conco»e Studies for soprano and tenor and the Forty Congone for alto and bass. Songs of German, French and English composers, and simple selections from operas and oratorios. Third Year: Voice production. Viardot-Garcia's Hour of Study, Book II. Bordigni's Thirty-six Studies for soprano or tenor, its equivalent, Sieber or Bordese for alto or bass. Selections from oratorios and from French, German and Italian operas. Songs of considerable difficulty by German, English, French, and Italian composers. Fourth Year: Voice production. The Twenty-four Panoflra Studies. Liitgen's Operavocalisen, Book II. Italian, French, German, and English songs of all standard composers. Solos and concerted work from the modern as well as the standard operas and oratorios. Miss FERNIE. 6. COURSE FOR THE VIOLIN.—(a) Preparatory. Violin methods by Hermann, Kayser, Sitt, Mazas, etc. Schradieck's Technical Studies. Etudes by DeBeriot, Murts. Easy solos. (b) Collegiate. First Yepr: Etudes by Kreutzer, Mazas, Fiorillo, etc. Concertos by Viotti, Rode, Kreutzer, DeBeriot. Sonatas by Mozart, Beethoven, Handel, Gade. Second Year. Etudes by Rode, Gavinies and Campagnoli. Concertos by Spohr, Bruch, Vieuxtemps, Molique, etc. Sonatas by Beethoven and Grieg.
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