Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

2l8 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COURSES orifices, weirs, tubes, nozzles, pipes, conduits, canals, and rivers; measurement of pressure, velocity, and discharge; meters and measurements; motors, turbines, and water wheels; water power and transmission of power. Merriman's Hydraulics. Spring term, at 8 and at 9, full credit. Professor TALBOT. Required: Math. 9; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2. 4. APPLIED MECHANICS.—To be taken instead of Analytical Mechanics. The course of study and topics studied will be nearly identical. Wright's Mechanics. Fall term, at i.zo, full credit. Assistant Professor MCLANE. Required: Mathematics 6. 5. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS.—TO be taken instead of Re- sistance of Materials. The course of study will be nearly tlie same, though somewhat simplified. Merriman's Mechanics of Materials. Winter term, at 1.20, full credit. Assistant Professor MCLANE. Required: Mathematics 6; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 4. COURSES FOR GRADUATES 101. Analytical Mechanics. 102. Resistance of Materials. 103. Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering. 104. Laboratory of Applied Mechanics. MILITARY SCIENCE 1. DRILL REGULATIONS.—For all male students. First term: school of soldier; bayonet exercise; second term: school of company, close and extended order. Fall and winter terms, one-fourth credit. Professor BRUSH. 2. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN SCHOOL OF SOLDIER.—Com- pany and battalion in close and extended order; school of the cannoneer and of the battery dismounted; target practice. Freshmen and sophomore years; six terms, counts one and one-half credits. Professor BRUSH. 3. RECITATIONS AND PRACTICE FOR OFFICERS AND COMMISSIONED OFFICERS.—Sophomore year: School of NONthe battalion, close and extended order; ceremonies; review and inspection; military signaling; guard, outpost, and picket duty. Junior year: military administration; reports and returns; theory of firearms and target practice; organization of armies; field fortifications; art of war. Seven terms, recitations one to two hours a week; drill two hours a week. Professor BRUSH. This course is obligatory upon officers and non-commissioned officers, and open to others.