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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

214 io. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COURSES ESTIMATES, SPECIFICATIONS, AND SUPERINTENDENCE.—Cal- culations and estimates are made as to the cost of machinery, power plants, boilers, chimneys, systems of piping, engines and their foundations, different methods of power transmission. Also forms of contracts and specifications are studied. Spring term, M., Tu., W., Th., at 9, full credit. Professor BRECKENRIDGE. Required: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1, 2, 3; Mechanical Engineering 1 to 6, 9, 12. 12. ADVANCED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY.— This work is a continuation of the work begun in the junior year. Experiments are made with engines, pumps, motors, injectors, and boilers to determine under what conditions they may be expected to give a maximum efficiency. Tests of plants in the vicinity are made, of which carefully prepared reports are always required. Through the kindness of Mr. W. Renshaw, Superintendent of Machinery of the Illinois Central Railroad, opportunites will be afforded to do practical work in locomotive testing, and considerable apparatus has been constructed for this important work. Advanced constructive work in the shops is assigned to groups of students, in order to impress upon them the intimate relation existing between the designing room and the shop. Carpenter's Experimental Engineering. Fall term, Tu., Th., at p; winter term, F., at 8.20, and at I.I$, full credit. Professor BRECKENRIDGE, Assistant Professor VANDERVOORT, and Mr. MCKEE. Required: Theoretical and Applied mechanics 1, 2, 3; Mechanical Engineering 1 to 7, 14, 15. 13. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY.—This is a lab- oratory course in which the student is taught to apply the indicator to different engines and to make the usual calculations of horse power and steam consumption as given by the diagrams. Correct forms of reducing motions are explained. How to read indicator diagrams and valve setting is also taught. Indicator Practice and Steam Engine Economy—F. F. Hemenway. Spring term, S., at 8, half credit. Mr. MCKEE. . Required: Mechanical Engineering 1, 2; Math. 7, 8, 9. 14. HIGH SPEED STEAM ENGINE DESIGN.—Under this head the steam engine is carefully studied. Each part of a complete engine is designed, and detailed drawings made and traced, so that each member of the class may have a complete set of blue prints. Klein's High Speed Steam Engine. Fall term, M., W., F., at 9, thrttHfths credit. Assistant Professor VANDERVOORT.
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