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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

208 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COURSES planes; classes of quadrics; tangent and polar lines, and planes to i quadric; surfaces derived from generating curves; the equations » f the helix; the conoid. Wood's Coordinate Geometry. Winter tern, at 8.20 and at 9.15, full credit. Professor SHATTUCK. Required: Math. 7. 9. INTEGRAL CALCULUS.—Elementary forms oi integration; integrals immediately reducible to the elementary forms; integration by rational transformations; integration of irrational algebriic differentials; integration of transcendent functions; definite integrals; successive integration; differentiation under the sign of integration; integration by means of differentiating known integrals; double integrals; triple and multiple integrals; product of two definite integrals. Rectification and quadrature; the parabola, the ellipse, the cycloid, the Archimedean spiral, the logarithmic spiral, the limniscate, the cycloid, quadrature of surfaces of revolution and of surfaces in general; cubature of volumes; the sphere, the pyramid, the ellipsoid, any solid of revolution, and of volumes in general. Byerly's Integral Calculus. Spring term, at 8 and at p, full credit. Professor SHATTUCK. Required: Math. 8. 10. THEORY OF EQUATIONS.—The development of the general properties of equations; relations of the roots and the coefficients of an equation, with applications to symmetric functions; transformation of equations; solution of reciprocal and binomial equations; algebraic solution of cubics and biquadratics; properties of derived functions; the limits and separation of the roots of equations; the solution of numerical equations of the nth degree. Burnside and Panton's Theory of Equations. Fall term, at 8, full credit. Associate Professor TOWNSEND. Required: Math. 2, 4. 11. THEORY OF DETERMINANTS.—The origin and notation of determinants, properties of determinants, determinant minors, multiplication of determinants, determinants of compound systems, determinants of special forms—Jacobians, Hessians, Wronskians—with applications to algebra, including linear transformations, and to analytic geometry. Hanus's Theory of Determinants, supplemented by lectures. Winter term, at 9.15, full credit. Associate Professor TOWNSEND. Required: Math. 7, 10. 12. THEORY OF INVARIANTS.—The course will cover the general development of the theory of invariants, both from the geometric
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