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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

LIBRARY SCIENCE 7. ADVANCED BIBLIOGRAPHY.—Lectures on subject 205 bibli- ography are given by professors at the University. Students are given many practical problems. The greater part of the time is devoted to work on the original bibliography which is required of each student for graduation. Fall and winter terms, once a week, one credit; spring term, one-fifth credit. Arrange hours. Professor SHARP. Required: Library, 3. 8. HISTORY OF LIBRARIES.—Libraries are studied by types and by countries. Special attention is given to libraries in the United States, their reports being used as text-books. Fall and spring terms, Th., at 11, two-fifths credit. Miss STRAIGHT. 9. ADVANCED REFERENCE.—The fall term is devoted to a s-tudy of public documents; the winter term takes up transactions of societies, advanced reference books, and indexing. Fall and winter terms, Th., at 8, two-fifths credit. Professor SHARP and Miss STRAIGHT. Required: Library I, 2, 3. 10. BOOK-MAKING.—Lectures on the history of printing, printers' marks, book-plates, and the history and art of binding. Winter term, Th., at 10.10, two-fifths credit. Professor SHARP. 11. ADVANCED APPRENTICE WORK.—Students are allowed a certain time each day for practical library work of an advanced grade, and gain experience in every department of the library. Fall, winter, and spring terms, M., Tu., W., Th., at 8; F., at 10, threefifths credit. Miss MANN. Required: Library, 5. 12. THESIS.—Each student is required to present a thesis for graduation. This must be on some library topic, and must represent original research. Fall and winter terms, one-fifth credit; spring term, one and one-fifth credits. Arrange hours. Professor SHARP. Required: Library 1-11. 13. GENERAL REFERENCE.—This course is offered to all stu- dents of the University who wish to become familiar with the ordinary reference books. It will comprise twelve lectures on the catalogue, classification, the reference room, the reading room, and groups of books, such as indexes, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, atlases,, handbooks of general information, handbooks of history, statistics, quotations, etc. Fall term, one-fifth credit. The hour will be arranged at convenience of instructor and students. Professor SHARP.
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