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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

CIVIL ENGINEERING 181 cise leveling, and in reading horizontal angles. Winter term, at 10.10, half credit. Professor BAKER. Required: Math. 4; General Engineering Drawing I, 2, 3, 4; Civil Engineering 1, 3; Descriptive Astronomy 2. 10. SURVEYING.—For students in the courses of architecture, architectural engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. Areas with chain and compass, U. S. public land surveys, and principles of reestablishing corners; use of transit in finding distances, areas, and in laying out buildings; use of the level in finding profiles and contours. Baker's Engineers' Surveying Instruments. Spring term, at 8 and at 10, full credit. Assistant Professor PENCE. Required: Math. 4; General Engineering Drawing 1, 3, 4; Physics 1. 12. BRIDGE ANALYSIS.—Instruction and practice are given in the computation of the stresses in the various forms of bridge trusses, by algebraic and graphical methods, under different conditions of loading. Johnson's Modern Framed Structures. Fall term, at p, full credit. Professor BAKER. Required: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1, 2; Architecture 6. 13. BRIDGE DETAILS.—The student makes a tracing of a shop drawing of a bridge, and then makes a critical report upon each element of the design and computes the cost. Afterwards a comparative study is made of the several forms of details employed by leading designers. Winter term, at 8.20, full credit. Professor BAKER. Required: Civil Eng'g 12 and free-hand sketches with dimensions, showing full details of a bridge measured by the student. 14. BRIDGE DESIGN.—Each student designs a bridge, proportioning the sections and working out the details, and afterwards makes a complete set of drawings. Spring term, at 10, full credit. Professor BAKER. Required: Civil Engineering 12, 13. 15. TUNNELING.—This subject is given by lectures and assigned reading. Students are required to make written reports upon the methods employed in particular tunnels. Some time is given to practice in boring wells, dredging, quarrying, and sub-aqueous blasting. Winter term, at 10.10, half credit. Professor BAKER. Required: Math. 2, 4, 6; General Engineering Drawing 1, 2, 3, 4; Mechanical Engineering 1, 16, 17; Chemistry 1; Physics 1. 16. ENGINEERING CONTRACTS AND SPECIFICATIONS.—A study is
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