Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

CIVIL ENGINEERING the junior and senior years. I 79 Two credits. Professor PALMER and Mr. ROSE. 20. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS.—An elementary course intended especially for such students of other departments as desire some training in the process of quantitative analysis, but have not the time or the opportunity to enter the regular course in this subject. The work may vary in character, to some extent, according to the need of the individual student. Spring term, at 10, full credit. Professor PALMER and Mr. ROSE. Required: Chemistry 3a. 21. PROXIMATE ORGANIC ANALYSIS.—One or two terms' work, mainly devoted to proximate analysis of organic compounds and mixtures of natural occurrence or of other origin. The work is both qualitative and quantitative, and includes determinations of the more important alkaloids, carbohydrates, acids, and other essential constituents of organic substances. Dragendorf's Plant Analysis; Prescott's Organic Analysis; Allen's Commercial Organic Analysis; Lyon's Pharmaceutical Assaying. Winter or spring term, full credit. Professor PALMER. Required: Chemistry 4 and 5b. 22. PHOTOGRAPHY.—Courses in photography will be arranged when called for by a sufficient number of students, as follows: (a) Elementary, (b) Advanced, (c) Micro-photography. Spring term, lecture at 8; laboratory, by arrangement; half credit. Professor PARR. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. COURSES FOR GRADUATES Research work in organic chemistry. Research work in general inorganic chemistry. Research work in agricultural chemistry. Investigations of heating power of fuels. Research in metallurgical chemistry. (0) Action of solvents in extraction of gold and silver from their ores. (b) Methods of analysis of ores and products. CIVIL ENGINEERING 1. LAND SURVEYING.—Areas and distances by chain, compass, and plane table; U. S. public land surveys, including legal points involved in the rcestablishment of boundaries; magnetic variation and determination of true meridian. The students solve numerous problems in thefield,with instruments, To facilitate practice in sur-