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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

166 21. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COURSES ARCHITECTS' ART COURSE 2. Optional. Any three of art and design 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13. Fall, winter, and spring terms. Professor FREDERICK. Required: Architecture 20. The art and design courses offered as architecture 20 and 21 are varied to meet the special needs of students of architecture. 22. RENAISSANCE DESIGN—Fall term, at 1.20, full credit. Assistant Professor TEMPLE. 23. 24. GOTHIC DESIGN.—Lecture, M., W., at 9.15; drawing, Tu., Th., P., at 8.20. Winter term, full credit. Tu., Th., at 10.10; draw- ROMANESQUE DESIGN.—Lecture, ing, M., W., P., at 10.10. Winter term, full credit. In each of these three courses a prescribed series of tracings of important details is made, and problems in design are worked out as fully as time permits. A course of lectures will be given during each term. These will be fully illustrated by stereopticon views and blackboard drawings. A second term of work in architecture 22 will be accepted in lieu of architecture 23 or 24. Professor RICKER, Associate Professor WHITE, and Assistant Professor TEMPLE. Required: Architecture 11, 15, 18, 20. 25. COMPOSITION OF ORNAMENT.—This term is devoted to the study of historical ornament and to daily exercises in designing architectural ornament to decorate the structural forms usually found in practice. These designs will be charcoal or crayon sketches, drawings rendered in shade or color, or finished drawings. They will be made on as large a scale as possible, usually full size. Lectures. Meyer's Hand-book of Ornament. Spring term, at 1.20, full credit. Assistant Professor TEMPLE. Required: Architecture 5, 7, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24. 26. VACATION SKETCHES.—At the beginning of the junior and senior years, each student should present a suitable number of vacation sketches for approval by Assistant Professor TEMPLE. COURSES FOR GRADUATES Primary Construction of Extensive Wooden Buildings, 1, 2, or 3 101. credits. 102. Recent Uses of Stone, Brick, and Terra Cotta in Architecture, 1 credit. 103. Metallic Skeleton Buildings, 1, 2, or 3 credits. 104. Fire-resisting and Fire-proof Buildings, 1 credit.
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