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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

148 THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE tember and ends on the third Tuesday in April; and the spring session, which begins on the third Wednesday in April and ends on the last week-day in June. The winter session is obligatory. The spring session is a supplementary course designed to furnish students opportunities to do special work and to make up arrearages of study. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION First, a certificate of good moral character from, two reputable physicians. Second, a diploma from a recognized college, academy, or high school. Students unable to meet this requirement are accepted upon passing a satisfactory examination in the following subjects: (a) English: The writing of an essay of at least two hundred words on a selected subject. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield will furnish the basis of examination in English for this year. (b) Physics: The principles of mechanics and hydraulics, Mechanics' Natural Philosophy, Part I, is recommended in preparation. (c) Mathematics: The whole of arithmetic; elementary algebra; the metric system of weights and measures. Beginning with the fall of 1899, plane geometry, as given in Wells or Wentworth, will be required. (d) Latin: The rudiments of Latin grammar and an ability to translate Latin from Caesar's Commentaries. One; year's time will be allowed to make up deficiencies in Latin. Beginning with the fall of 1899, the minimum entrance requirement will be satisfactory evidence of scholarship equivalent to three years' work in an accredited high school, which must include the subjects mentioned above. The entrance examination will be conducted in writing by a committee outside the Faculty of the School of Medicine appointed by the President of the University, and will be held at the medical college at 10 a. m. on the Monday preceding the opening of the winter and spring terms.
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