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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE [For Faculty of the School of Medicine, see p. 14.] HISTORY The College of Physicians and Surgeons is located on the corner of Harrison and Honore streets, Chicago, in the very heart of the "Latin Quarter" of the city. It was founded in the year 1882 by a number of representative physicians and surgeons. The College, notwithstanding its excellent educational standing, did not prosper financially during the first ten years of its existence, but in 1892 radical changes in the composition of the Faculty and in methods of instruction and administration were effected, and since that time it has grown with steadiness and rapidity. It was affiliated with the University in April, 1897. Chicago is already the center of medical study in the United States. In the winter of 1896-97 it contained a larger number of medical students than any other city in the western hemisphere. These students are distributed among fourteen medical colleges, of which the College of Physicians and Surgeons is the second, as to the size of its classes, and is not outranked by any in respect to its facilities, or the scope and thoroughness of its curriculum,, or in regard to the place it occupies in the esteem of the medical profession. During the current session there are in attendance 408 students, seventeen of whom; are women. SESSIONS The collegiate year is divided into two sessions, the winter session, which begins on the third Tuesday in Sep(147)
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