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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

STUDIES AND EXAMINATIONS 139 Faculty a certificate of permission covering the period of absence. Admission to the Graduate School is indicated by a certificate issued to each successful candidate by the Dean; this certificate must be presented to the Business Manager for his signature, and, if the holder is not already matriculated in the University, must be accompanied by the required fee. The certificate, properly signed, is to be shown to the head of each department in which instruction is sought. With the exceptions named below, all members of the Graduate School are required to be in regular attendance at the University, and to do all the work for which they are registered in the departments to which such work belongs. In case of absence on leave, or when absence is necessary to carry on investigations included in approved courses of study, the requirement of continuous residence may be modified by the Council of Administration. Graduates from baccalaureate courses of this University may register as non-resident members of the Graduate School; and all members of the School who have completed the residence period required for advanced degrees may register as nonresidents while completing the work required for such degrees. STUDIES AND EXAMINATIONS As far as can be indicated by a. statement of time, full work for a graduate student consists in the use of forty-five hours a week in the lecture rooms, laboratories, etc., and in private study. Assignments of work are made upon this basis; but great variations naturally result from the subjectmatter in hand, and from the abilities of individuals. Each student must select one principal line of study, called his major subject, and upon this major subject at least one-half of his work must be done; and any greater proportion of his time, up to the whole of it, may be thus devoted if proper approval is had. When work upon the selected major subject is not arranged to require all of the student's attention, he must choose one or two minor subjects, as may be
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