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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS I 27 their use and to make practical investigations with them. The herbarium is rich in specimens of useful and noxious plants, including many of the fungous parasites which cause disease to cultivated crops. Agriculture is beginning to have a literature, and the library contains a large collection of works on agriculture by standard authors in English, French, and German; also reports of agricultural departments of this and other countries, journals of agricultural societies, both in America and abroad, besides nearly all the standard agricultural periodicals of the United States and many from Europe and Australia. The student not only has free access to this literature, but is constantly assigned reference readings as a part of his class work. In other work than the purely technical, the agricultural student meets the same instructors and enjoys the same privileges as other students of the University, and in all departments the laboratory method is freely employed, in which the student uses apparatus with his own hands and consults the literature of the subject at every step. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS PRESCRIBED Agriculture ia, ib, 2a, 2b, t3, 4, t5> 6, 9; 6 or 8 credits. Art and Design 1; 2 credits. Botany 1, 2, 8; 5 credits. Chemistry 1, 3a, 4; 3 credits. English 1; 1% credits. Horticulture la, ib, ic, *4, *S, *6, *7, *8, ' i o ; 1% or 6% credits. Military 1, 2; Physical Training 1; 2 credits. Physiology fi; 2 credits. Rhetoric 2; 2 credits. Thesis; 2 credits. Veterinary Science f2; 1 credit. Zoology 3, 8; 3 credits. •, t Subjects marked with a dagger may be taken instead of those marked with 1 star, and via versa.
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