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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

DESCRIPTION OF DEPARTMENTS 99 quantitative analysis. COURSES, p. 174.] [See Chemistry, in DESCRIPTION OF The first year is devoted to the consideration of general descriptive inorganic chemistry and qualitative analysis, and the first two terms of the second year are occupied with general courses in quantitative analysis, both gravimetric and volumetric. The work of these five terms and of two terms of third year, which are devoted to organic chemistry, is prescribed for all students of the chemical courses, and is intended to impart a knowledge of the facts of chemistry, to develop skill and accuracy in manipulation, and to constitute a thoroughly scientific grounding in the fundamental principles and laws of chemistry. Aside from this prescribed work there are offered numerous electives in chemistry, which, by judicious selection, afford opportunity for specialization along any of the lines of analytical, pharmaceutical, technological, or pure chemistry. In order that an acquaintance with chemical literature may be had, and to keep pace with the advances in chemistry, students of the third and fourth years are required to take part in the chemical seminary, in which the work consists chiefly of reviews and discussions of assigned articles in current numbers of the various journals. Two or three terms' work in the fourth year may be devoted to the investigation of some chemical problem. This practice both furnishes an opportunity to specialize along some chosen line and serves as an introduction to the methods of chemical research. To students who are preparing to become teachers of science opportunity is offered for the acquirement of some experience in supervising laboratory practice in elementary chemistry. The work includes criticism and discussion of methods and application of pedagogical principles and is conducted with the cooperation of the department of pedagogy.
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