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Caption: Course Catalog - 1896-1897 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

68 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 2. Resistance of Materials (Theo and Appl'd Mech. 2); Steam Engines (Mech. Eng'g 16); Steam Boilers (Mech. Eng'g 17); Electrical and Magnetic Measurements (Physics 4); Elective (1 credit for winter and spring terms together), Mathematics 16, or Chemistry 3a, or Civil Engineering 10. 3. Hydraulics (Theo. and Appl'd Mech. 3); Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (Mech. Eng'g 13); Electrical Measurements (Physics 4); Elements of Dynamo Machinery (Elect. Eng'g 11); Elective (same as winter term). Fourth Year 1. Thermodynamics (Mech. Eng'g 7); Steam Engine Design (Mech. Eng'g 14); Dynamo-Electric Machinery (Elect. Eng'g 3a); Electrical Design (Elect. Eng'g 3b); Seminary (Elect. Eng'g 10); Thesis. 2. Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Machinery (Elect. Eng'g 4a); Electrical Design (Elect. Eng'g 4b); Photometry (ElectEng'g 5); Electric Lighting Planfs (Elect. Eng'g 8); Seminary (Elect. Eng'g 10); Thesis. 3. Alternating Currents and Alternating Current Machinery (Elect. Eng'g 4a); Electrical Design (Elect. Eng'g 4b); Electrical Transmission of Power (Elect. Eng'g 9); Telegraphy and Telephony (Elect. Eng'g 6); Seminary (Elect. Eng'g 10); Thesis. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING It is the object of this course to give the student a thorough training in the theoretical principles underlying the science of machines and 'mechanics, and at the same time to enable him to become practically familiar with some of the numerous applications of these principles. EQUIPMENT The equipment of this department is arranged for work under three heads—class and drawing-room work, mechanical engineering laboratory work, and shop practice. The drawing rooms are equipped with modern desks, boards, filing cabinets, card indexes, reference books, catalogues, odontographs, gear charts, tables, etc. In the cabinet rooms are kinematic models and sectioned steam specialties, many of which were donated by the manufacturers. The mechanical engineering laboratory is in the Engineering Laboratory. It contains engines, boilers, pumps, a surface condenser, and a large assortment of indicators,
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