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Caption: Course Catalog - 1896-1897 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

174 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COURSES out. Determination of the dimensions of steam passages, single valve gears, double valve gears, equalization of steam distribution, application of diagrams to existing types of engines. /flei?i's High Sliced Steam E?igi?ie. Fall term, tico-fifths study. Assistant Professor VANDERVOORT. Required: Mechanical Engineering i to 7, 16, 17; Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1, 2. 16. STEAM ENGINES.—A study of the details of steam engines. Elementary principles of transformation of heat into work. Laws of expansion of steam. The mechanics of the steam engine. Valves and valve gears. The indicator diagram, condensers, steam jackets, superheaters, and compound engines. The Steam Engine, Holmes. Winter term, three-fifths study. Mr. WOOD. Required: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1; Physics 1 and 3. 17. STEAM BOILERS.—Materials used in the construction of boilers. Proportions and strength of riveted joints. Methods of setting boilers for maximum efficiency. Incrustation, explosions, combustion, safety appliances, feed apparatus, boiler trials. A Treatise on Steam Boilers, Wilson-Mather\ Winter term, two-fifths study. Mr. GOODENOUGH. Required: Mechanical Engineering 1; Physics 1 and 3; Mathematics 2, 4, 6. 18. GRAPHICAL STATICS OF MECHANISM.—Graphical determination of the forces acting at different points in machines used for hoisting, crushing, punching, and transmitting motion, taking into account the resistances offered to motion by frictional resistances. Effort of sliding, rolling, and journal friction, chain friction, tooth friction, stiffness of ropes and belts. Graphical determination of the efficiency for the forward and reverse motion. Graphical Statics of Mechanism, HerrmannSmith. Winter term, two-fifths study. Mr. GOODENOUGH. Required: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1 and 2. 19. SEMINARY.—Work supplementary to other studies of the senior year. Presentation of papers on assigned subjects. Contributed papers on current topics. Discussion and criticisms on new inventions, Fall, zvinter, and spring terms. Professor BRECKENRIDGE. 20. SHOP .PRACTICE FOR SPECIAL STUDENTS.—This course is open to those entering as special students, as defined elsewhere under " Admission." The work will be arranged after consultation. The work done does not count for a credit for graduation in any of the technical courses. Fall, ivintcr, and sfring terms. Assistant Professor VANDERVOORT. 21. FORGE SHOP PRACTICE.—This course is designed for those
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