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Caption: Course Catalog - 1896-1897 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

MATHEMATICS 169 theory of invariants to higher plane curves. Special study will be made of curves of the third and fourth order. Lectures with collateral reading. Winter term, three-fifths study. Associate Professor TOWNSEND. [Not given in 1897-98.] Required: Math. 10, 11, 12. 19. SOLID AND SPHERICAL GEOMETRY.—This is a course prescribed for the students in the College of Literature and Arts. full study. Mr. MILNE. 20. Spring term, CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS.—This course has for its aim merely to acquaint the student with those elements of the science which are most needed in the study of the higher subjects of mathematical astronomy and physics. Carll's Calculus of Variations. Fall term, threefifths study. Associate Professor MYERS. Required: Math. 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, n , 16. 21. SPHERICAL HARMONICS.—In this course, a thorough study is made of so much of this subject as is of interest to an astronomer. It is introduced by a short course of lectures and study of certain trigonometric series. Fourrier's Theorem for developing any function of a variable in a series proceeding in sines and cosines of multiples of the variable is derived and the limitations of its validity investigated. This is followed by the study of Lagrange's, Laplace's, and Larne's functions and their applications to astronomical and physical problems. Byerley's Fourrier's Sines and Spherical Harmonics. Winter term, three-fifths study. Associate Professor MYERS. Required: Math. 2, 4, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16. 22. POTENTIAL Fut CTION.—The potential function is denned and its properties derived and discussed. The potential of various bodies; such as of a wire, a spherical shell, a sphere, ellipsoid of revolution, etc., is computed. Poisson's and Laplace's Equations are derived and discussed. Green's Propositions with kindred and similar subjects are handled. Pierce's Newtonian Potential Function. Spring term, threelifths study. Associate Professor MYERS. acquired: Math. 21; Astronomy 6. 23. MODERN GEOMETRY.—This course will include in general a consideration of homogeneous co-ordinates duality, descriptive and material properties of curves, anharmonic ratios, homography, involution, projection theory of correspondence, etc. Scott's Modern Analytic Geometry. Fall term, three-fifths study. Associate Professor TOWNSEND. Required: Math 7, 8, 10, 11. 24 ALGEBRAIC SURFACES. —In this course will be considered the application of homogeneous cp-ordjnates and the theory of invariants
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