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Caption: Course Catalog - 1896-1897 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

112 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE of native and exotic plants, of specimens of native and foreign woods, of beneficial and injurious insects, and of specimens showing their work; numerous dry and alcoholic specimens and preparations; maps, charts, diagrams, drawings, etc. The College has a supply of compound microscopes and other apparatus, and students have opportunity to learn their use and to make practical investigations with them. The herbarium is rich in specimens of useful and noxious plants, including many of the fungus parasites which cause disease to cultivated crops. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS PRESCRIBED Agriculture ia, ib, 2a, 2b, f 3, 4, f 5, 6, 9; 8 credits. Art and Design 1 and 2; 2 credits. Botany 1, 2, 8; 5 credits. Chemistry 1, 3a, 4; 3 credits. English 1; i j credits. Horticulture ia, ib, ic, *4, *s, *6, *j, *8, *io; 6 | credits. Military 1, 2; 2 credits. Physiology f 1; 2 credits. Rhetoric 2; 2 credits. Thesis; 2 credits. Veterinary Science f 2; 1 credit. Zoology 3, 8; 3 credits. *, f Subjects marked with a dagger may be taken instead of those marked with a star, and zn'ce versa. ELECTIVE Agriculture 7, 8, 11; 3 credits. Anthropology 1; 1 credit. Architecture 1; 3 credits. Astronomy 4; 1 credit. Biology, General; 1 credit. Botany 3, 4, 5; 6 credits. Chemistry 5b, 5c, 13; 5 credits. Economics 1 to 5, 9; § to 51 credits. English 1, 2; 3 credits. French 5; 3 credits. Geology 4, 1; 1 or 2 credits. German 1 or 5; 2, 6; 3 to 6 credits. History 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10 to 12; i j to 9 credits. Horticulture 2, 3, 9; 3 credits.
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