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Caption: Course Catalog - 1892-1893 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

92 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. commercial fertilizers, milk, and grain. Spring term, full study. Professor PALMER. Required: Chemistry, i, 2, 3, 4, 5. 8. Technological and Industrial Chemistry.—This course comprises a study of the best practice of iron and steel laboratories, test departments, etc., with special reference to rapid methods. It includes the technical analysis of pig iron and steels, paints and pigments, gas, etc. The class room work is chiefly devoted to the special applications of chemistry to the arts. Instruction is by lectures and recitations upon assigned topics in standard works of reference. Wagner's Chemical Technology. Fall term, full study. Professor PALMER. Required: Chemistry, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 9. Organic Chemistry.—This course consists in a consideration of the principles and the processes of organic chemistry. The instruction comprises recitations, lectures, and laboratory practice. Bernthsen's Organic Chemistry is employed as a text-book, and is supplemented by lectures upon- special topics and by references to the works of Richter, Roscoe and Schorlemmer, and Beilstein. In the laboratory the practice consists in the preparation of organic compounds, in accordance with the directions given in the text-book, with selections from the manuals of Levy and Fischer. Some time is also devoted to ultimate organic analysis. Winter and spring terms, full study. Professor PALMER. Required: Chemistry, 1, 2. 10. Sanitary, Medical and Medico-Legal Chemistry.—This course includes such subjects as the sanitary examination of potable and mineral waters, urinalysis, toxicology, etc. During this course also subjects for original work in course 11 must be canvassed and a choice of themes made by the Thanksgiving recess, after which time and until the Holidays the work is of such a nature as to familiarize the student with the special methods and processes involved in the research contemplated and also with the bibliography of the subject. Fall term, full study. Professor PALMER. Required: Chemistry, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. 11. Investigations and Thesis.—In this research work the student is required to make full use of the various sets of chemical journals, English, French, and German, as an essential means of extending his acquaintance with chemical literature and a drill in consultation of works of reference. It includes also the preparation of a thesis according to the rules laid down under "Degrees."
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