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Caption: Course Catalog - 1892-1893 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. 79 Equipment.—The electrical laboratory has been supplied with apparatus from the leading makers at home and abroad. There are several forms of the Wheatstone bridge, resistance boxes, including an Anthony ioo,ooo-ohm box, and a Nalder Bros, subdivided megohm box, an assortment of switches, keys, condensers, and the leading forms of deadbeat and ballistic galvanometers, including a Thompson high resistance, and an Edelman deadbeat galvanometer; also several D'Arsonval galvanometers, and numerous others. Several reading telescopes are used in connection with the galvanometers. The laboratory is also supplied with certified standards of resistance, standard cells, Kelvin's current balances, ammeters, voltmeters, and watt-meters. Current is brought to the room from the dynamo and battery rooms. At present a very large addition to the collection of fine testing instruments is making. COURSE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, FIRST YEAR. 1. Advanced Algebra; Elements of Draughting; Shop Practice; French, German, or English; Military. 2. Trigonometry; Descriptive Geometry and Lettering; Shop Practice; French, German, or English; Military. 3. Analytical Geometry; Advanced Descriptive Geometry; Shop Practice; French, German, or English; Military. SECOND YEAR. 1. Differential Calculus; Mechanical Drawing and Construction; Physics; Military. 2. Advanced Analytical Geometry; Mechanical Drawing and Construction; Physics; Military. 3. Integral Calculus; Mechanical Drawing and Construction; Physics; Military. THIRD YEAR. 1. Analytical Mechanics; Mechanism; Chemistry; Themes and Elocution. 2. Resistance of Materials; Engineering Materials; Chemistry; Themes and Elocution. 3. Hydraulics (one-half term); Chemistry (one-half term); Mechanics of Machinery; Electrical Measurements; Themes and Elocution. FOURTH YEAR. 1. Machine Design; Heat Engines; Electrical Laboratory. 2. Hydraulic Engines; Dynamo-Electrical Machines; Dynamo Laboratory; Thesis. 3. Installation of Light and Power Plants and Photometry; Alternating Currents and Machines; Political Economy, or Astronomv; Thesis.
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