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Caption: Course Catalog - 1892-1893 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

78 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. FOURTH YEAR. 1. Heat Engines; Machine Design; Masonry Construction. 2. Hydraulic Engines and Wind Wheels; Mechanical Laboratory; Dynamo Electrical Machines; Thesis. 3. Estimates: Mechanical Laboratory; Mechanical Design; Thesis. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. The course is intended to give young men the best possible preparation for work in the practical applications of electricity. Instruction is given by lectures and laboratory practice. The student is encouraged to add to his general intellecfaal culture by systematic reading of the best periodical literature in theoretical and applied electricity. By keeping himself informed about the best efforts of others in every department of his profession it is hoped that he may be stimulated to independent and original investigation in his own field. To this end a department reading room at all times accessible to students in this course has been recently established, where the leading journals of general physics and applied electricity are kept on file. The instructors and students meet weekly to discuss the leading articles in these journals. A critical discussion of one or more papers is required from each student. The electrical laboratory occupies a large room on the ground floor, fitted with masonry piers for the more sensitive instruments, and cases for apparatus. In this room the work relating to the measurement of current, resistance, electro-motor force, the standardizing of measurement aparatus, etc., is carried on. In addition to this are a photometry room, fitted out with a Queen & Co. 's complete electric light photometer and intended especially for photometric work in connection with electric lighting; a battery room containing a large storage battery and a collection of all th'e leading primary cells which are used for current and testing purposes; a dynamo room supplied with power from a fifteen-horse power gas engine and sixtyhorse power, high speed steam engine, both of which are used exclusively for this department and experimental work. In this room are to be found the leading types of dynamos and motors with conveniences for illustrating and testing them. A complete Thomson-Houston alternating plant and a 6000-watt Edison dynamo have lately been added to the equipment of this room. Adjacent to the dynamo room is a workshop supplied with power from an electric motor. The shop is supplied with an engine lathe and a line of fine tools suited to the manufacture of special apparatus.
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