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Caption: Course Catalog - 1892-1893 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. 55 pressure, velocity, and discharge; motors and meters; water power. Merrimatis Hydraulics. Spring term, full study. Professor TALBOT. Required: Math., 2, 4, 6, 7; Mechanics, 1, 2. GENERAL ENGINEERING DRAWING. 1. Elements of Draughting.—This term's work is designed as a general preparation for draughting in all branches. Its aim is first, to teach the accurate and intelligent use of instruments and materials; and second, to start the student upon his work with those neat and orderly habits that are invaluable to the competent draughtsman. The instruction is given by text-books, lectures and reference to books in the University library. The problems are arranged so as to be of the most practical benefit to the student, and, instead of being copies of similar problems, are designed to throw him upon his own ingenuity in applying his knowledge of principles learned. This work includes geometrical constructions; orthographic, isometric, and cabinet projections of objects from models or given data; sections, drawings finished in line shading and water colors; in all about thirty plates. Lectures and Blue Prints. Fall term, full study. Mr. MCLANE. t. Descriptive Geometry.—The first term's work in this study includes problems on the point, line, and plane, some of the-simpler geometrical solids, and shades and shadows. The second term's work takes up plane, single-curved, double-curved, and warped surfaces; the generation and development of the same; sections and intersections. The application of principles and methods in numerous and varied practical problems is a large part of the work in each term, comprising in all the drawing of about thirty-five plates. Church's Descriptive Geometry. Half of winter term, half study; spring term, full study. Mr. MCLANE. Required: General Engineering Drawing, 1. 3. Lettering.—Plain and ornamental alphabets; round and stump writing; titles and title pages. Winter term, half study. Mr. MCLANE. Required: General Engineering Drawing, 1. PHYSICS. The instruction in physics is given by means of lectures and by practice in the laboratory. The work in each course is determined to some extent by the line of study pursued by the student for whom the course is prescribed.
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