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Caption: Course Catalog - 1892-1893 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

COLLEGE OF LITERATURE. 125 g. Special course for Scientific Students.—General Survey of English Literature. Fall and winter terms. Study of Scientific Prose. Spring term. Higher English Grammar. One hour a week throughout the year. The whole, a full study. Professor DODGE. GERMAN. There are three years of instruction given in German. The first is devoted to the study of grammar. In the second a select course of reading is followed with exercises in composition and conversation. In the third the study is conducted in German; the history of literature is studied from a manual and by lectures, accompanied by critical reading of classic and latest authors. 1. For Students in College of Literature.—Joynes-Meissner German Grammar; Joyne's German Header; Fall, winter, and spring terms, full study. Professor SNYDER. 1. For Students in College of Literature.—Reading, composition, and conversation. Harris's German Composition, White's German Prose, and a selection of Classics. Goethe's Iphigenie, or Hermann and Dorothea; Schiller's Maria Stuart, Wilhelm Tell, or Jungfrau von Orleans, etc. Also selections of modern prose. Freitag's Aus dem Staate Friedrichs des Grossen; Jensen die Braune Erica; Fouque's Undine, etc. Fall, winter, and spring terms, full study. Professor SNYDER. Required: German, 1. 3. For Students in College of Literature.—The study in this year is conducted in German. History of German Literature, with lectures. Assigned reading and reports thereon. Texts, Gcethe's Faust (1st part), and Torquato Tasso; Lessing's Nathan der Weise, or Minna von Barnhelm; Schiller's Wallenstein; Buchheim's Deutsche Lyrik, and selections from modern authors. Fall, winter, and spring terms, full study. Professor SNYDER. Required: German, r, 2. 4. Special one year's course for students in Colleges of Agriculture, Engineering and Science. Otis's German Grammar; Joyne's Reader; Hodges's German Science Reader. Fall, winter, and spring terms, full study. Assistant Professor MERRILL and Mr. PIATT. 5. Special Scientific Readings.—Equivalent of German 2 in the winter and spring terms. Gore's Science Readings; Seidensticker's Scientific Monographs; and assigned readings. IVinter and Spring terms, full study. Professor SNYDER.
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