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Caption: Course Catalog - 1892-1893 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

124 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. 7. Quintilian.—Selections from the X. and XII. books. The whole field of classical literature is studied and reviewed. Fall term, full study. Professor BARTON. Required: Latin, 1, 2, 3. 8. Juvenal's Satires.—Especial reference to the private life of the Romans. Winter term, full study. Professor BARTON. Required: Latin, 1, 2, 3. 9. Cicero de Officiis.—In this connectiqn a study of the ethics of the Roman world. Spring term, full study. Professor BARTON. Required: Latin, 1, 2, 3. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. The work of this department during the first two years consists of the study of the literature, with the exception of one hour a week in the freshman year devoted to higher English grammar. During the last two years the time is divided between literature and language. English 1 and 2 are required for the degree of B. L. A special course in literature of one year, is offered to scientific and engineering students. 1. (a) General Survey of English Literature.—Four hours a week, (b) Higher English Grammar. One hour a week. Fall, winter, and spring terms, full study. Assistant Professor MERRILL. 2. Shakspere.—Two hours a week. Professor DODGE. History of the Drama. One hour a week. Professor DODGE. Prose writers from Johnson to Ruskin. Two hours a week. Fall, winter, and spring terms, full study. Assistant Professor MERRILL. Required: English, 1. 3. Poetry of the 19th centnry. — Two hours a week. Assistant Professor MERRILL. Old and early English. Two hours a week. Professor DODGE. Fall, winter, and spring terms, full study. Required: English. 2; French, or German, 1. 4. Eighteenth Century Prose.—Fall and winter terms. Literary Study of History. Spring term, 2 hours a week. Early English continued. Fall term. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Winter and spring terms, 3 hours a week. The whole, a full study. Professor DODGE. Required: English, 3; French, or German, 1.
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