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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

SOCIETIES. 97 term time, are well attended, and are maintained with unflagging interest. They furnish excellent drill in writing, speaking, and parliamentary methods. The YOUNG MEN'S and YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS are active and useful. Special organizations unite the students of NATURAL HISTORY, of CIVIL ENGINEERING, of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, of ARCHITECTURE, of AGRICULTURE, and of CHEMISTRY. FRATERNITIES. After careful and thorough investigation, the Trustees and Faculty have agreed that the original policy of the University towards these organizations should be maintained, and that the regulations which forbid the introduction here of the College Fraternities, sometimes called the Greek-letter Societies, should remain in force. All the useful purposes which such societies subserve are secured from the existing literary societies. EXAMINATIONS. Written examinations are held at the close of each term or oftener, and whenever any study has been finally completed. Any student failing to answer correctly 75 per cent, of the questions proposed, loses all credit for that study, and is precluded from proceeding with any other studies without special permission. A record is kept of each student's term work and standing, and from this his final certificate of graduation is made up. A statement of the scholarship and conduct of each student will be sent to his parent or guardian as soon as may be after the end of each term. DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES. The law provides that, "on recommendation of the Faculty, the Trustees may authorize the Regent, as president of the University, to issue diplomas to such persons as shall have completed satisfactorily the required studies, and sustained the examination therein, conferring such Literary and Scientific Degrees as are usually conferred by Universities for similar or equivalent courses of studies, or such as the Trustees may deem appropriate." Approved May 11, 1877. 13
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