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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

COLLEGE OF LITERATURE AND SCIENCE. 89 year, which is devoted to the text book of rhetoric, the required theme-writing extends over the first two years of the course, the remaining two being given to the art of oratory, including the principles of oral expression. The number of themes from freshmen is eight, and from sophomores twelve, and each paper after correction is returned to the student to be carefully re-written. For composition the classes are divided into sections of about twenty, which meet weekly. At these meetings, questions of students are answered, the faults and merits of the essays of the preceding week are pointed out and subjects assigned for the next week. Two lectures each tejm are given by the professor to the whole class, on the kind of writing involved in the next five weeks, as narration, description, argument, etc. In oratory, the classes are also divided into sections. A critical analysis is made of some of the master-pieces of the great orators of England and America. The life and character of the orator, the circumstances that called forth the oration, his object in pronouncing it, are considered, and a study is made of his diction, sentences, paragraphs, figures of speech, etc. In addition, selections from the oration are assigned to the members of the class, which, after being well committed to memory, are carefully prepared, under the supervision of the instructor, for delivery in the presence of the whole class. Each member of the senior class is required to prepare a suitable oration or essay and to deliver it before the University in the chapel.
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