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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

76 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Vegetable Physiology is studied in the third term. The instruction is given by lectures or text-book, and by experimental practice. The work includes: The food of plants and its absorption and assimilation; fluids, their kinds, uses, causes of movement, transpiration, respiration, etc.; processes, peculiarities, and results of growth; relations and effects of temperature, light, gravitation, etc.; self and cross fertilization, relation ol plants and insects: movements; "sleep of plants," tendrils, climbing vines, etc.; For illustration the school has a collection of about one thousand species of the plants indigenous to the state of Illinois, including a very nearly complete set of the grasses; a collection of Rocky Mountain and Western plants; and many others obtained by exchange from various parts of the United States. A collection of fungi contains numerous species. The green-houses and out-door plantations furnish a large amount of illustrative material for the classes. Enlarged papier-mache models of flowers and fruits, exhibiting structure and development, are in the cabinet. Throughout the course the attempt is made to introduce the students to the literature of the various subjects and to acquaint them with the authorities for the facts stated. Microscopy.—Students have in this study further practice in the use of the compound microscope, the management of light for particular purposes, the testing of lenses, measurement of magnifying powers and angles of aperture, drawing and photographing objects, the preparation and mounting of material, etc. The application is mainly, but not exclusively, devoted to vegetable tissues and products. The special aim is to afford the opportunity of gaining a skillful and rational use of the instrument, and an acquaintance with the best methods and processes of preparing and^ mounting objects. Students provide themselves with slides* and covers, needles, forceps, brushes, and razors. Microscopes, section cutters, turn tables, etc., are furnished by the University, About thirty compound microscopes represent the best American and European makers. Anatomy and Physiology.—The students admitted to this class have already passed an entrance examination in the elementary principles of anatomy and physiology. They
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