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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

72 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. APPARATUS. The facilities offered for obtaining a practical knowledge of Chemistry are believed to be unsurpassed by those of any other institution in the west. A large laboratory building, 75x120 feet, and four stories in height, has been erected at an expense, including furniture, of $40,000. The basement contains furnace room for assaying and metallurgical operation; a mill room for storing and crushing ores; and a large room for the manufacture of chemicals and pharmaceutical preparations. The first story contains a lecture-room capable of seating 200 persons, and a qualitative laboratory, which, when completed, will accommodate 152 students; one hundred and four desks are now fitted, each having 'an evaporating hood, gas, and water. There are a spectroscope table, a blow pipe table for general use, and a store room stocked with apparatus and chemicals. The second story, designed for the use of advanced stu^ dents, has the following apartments: A lecture room with mineralogical cabinet, and furnace models for illustrating lecture? on metallurgy; laboratory for students in agricultural chemistry; large laboratory for quantitative analysis, now containing sixty-four desks; a balance room, containing chemical balances of the manufacture of Bunge (short beam), Becker & Son, Troemner: a pharmacy, furnished like a drug store with shelves, drawers, prescription desk, balance, graduates, etc., and containing a full set of drugs and pharmaceutical preparations made in the laboratory by students in pharmacy; private laboratory for instructors; a gas analysis room, entirely cut off from the system of heating and ventilating, to avoid undue fluctuations of temperature, furnished with a table specially constructed, and containing a full set of Bunsen's gasometric apparatus, an inductive coil, battery, mercury, etc.; and a store room with apparatus for all kinds of work in quantitative analysis. The apparatus for general use includes a large platinum retort for the preparation of hydrofluoric acid; a GeissJer's mercural air pump; Hoffman's apparatus for illustrating the composition of compound gases; a Soliel-Scheibler's saccharimeter; an excellent set of areometers; a Hauy's goniometer; a camera with Ross1 lenses; a Ruhmkorff s coil; gal-
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