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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

AGR1CVLTVXAL COURSE. 71 B. Arranged especially for regular students in the school of agriculture. FIEST YEAB. Same as in chemical course. SECOND I E 1 B . First Term.—Same as in chemical course. Second Term.—Agricultural chemistry. Lectures and class work. Analysis of feldspar, soil, plant ash, feitilizers, and manures, and the materials used in their productions; phosphates, nitrogenous matters, and potash salts. Third Term.—Agricultural chemistry. Lectures and class work. Analysis of farm products —grains, roots, fodders, commercial foods, milk, butter, and cheese. METALLURGICAL COURSE. FIBST TEAB. First Term.— Same as in chemical course. Second Term.— Same as in chemical course. Third Term.—Same as first term, second yenr, chemical course. SECOND TEAB. First Term.—Analysis of ores, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, lead, nickel, etc. Second Term.—Assaying. Same as in chemical course. (Students who pursue this term's work must have one term of mineralogy.) Third Term.—Analysis of refractory materials, fluxes, and slags., THIBD YEAB. First Term.—Gas analysis. Same as in chemical course. Study of furnace gases. Second Term.—Analysis of fuels—wood, anthracite and bitumous coals, coke; determination of heating power. Third Term —Analysis of cast iron, wrought iron, and steel. Determinations of sulphur, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, and the forms of carbon. The above course has been arranged for students desiring to make a specialty of chemistry in its applitations to metallurgy. For students in the school of mining engineering the work of the first year described, together with the following, is presented. SOPHOMOBE YEAB. First Term.—Analysis of ores—iron, zinc, copper. Analysis of crude metals—iron, determination of sulphur, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, and the forms pf carbon. JUNIOB YEAB. Second I'erm.—Assayingt same as in chemical course, third term. Metallurgy, with laboratory practice. Analysis of fluxes, slags, fuels, etc.
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