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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

70 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Second Term.—Quantitative analysis of commercial drugs, bismuth subnitrate, tartar ematic, sodium bicarbonate, potassium iodide, sodium bromids, cream of tirtar. ammonium carbonate, potassium nitrate. Volumetric determinations. Third Term.—Same as in chemical course, substituting materia medic a for agricultural chemistry. THIED YEAB. First Term.—Same as in chemical course. Second Term.—Isolation and quantitative estimation of active proximate principles of vegetible drugs—ails, resins, garni, alkaloid*, glucoses, etc. Third Term.—Practieiof pharmacy. Reading and compounding prescriptions. Preparation and v tluation of tinctures, extracts, syrups, etc. Examination of commercial organic drugs. TOUETH TEAK. First Term.—Analysis of urine, normal and pathological. Exam ination of waters, mineral and potable. Alcoholic liquors, proprietary articles, etc. Second Term.—Toxicology. Micro-chemistry of poisons. Separation of poisons from organic mixtures. Third Term.—Original research. Thesis. BOURSE IN AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY. A. Arranged for students who desire to make a specialty of chemistry in its application to agriculture and allied branches. FIEST TEAB. Same as in chemical course. SECOND YEAE. First Term.—Same as in chemical course. Second Term—Lectures and class work in agricultural chemistry. Analysis of feldspar, soil, ash of plants, drain waters. Third Year.—-Agricultural chemistry. Analysis and valuation of commercial fertilizers, and manures, • and material used for manures, apatite, phosphates, guanos, nitrates, ammonia salts, animal matters, and potash salts. THIED TEAB. First Term.—Proximate analysis of farm products and cattle foods; grains, roots, fodders, commercial foods, etc. Second Term.—Analysis of milk, butter, and cheese. Determination of sugars by polariscope and by titratioa. Examination of alcoholic liquors. Third Term. Original research.
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