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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

TECHNICAL STUDIES. APPARATUS. 61 The department has a valuable collection of models of mining and metallurgical machinery. The newly equipped laboratory now contains a very complete line of illustrative machinery, designed for practical use, and covering a wide range of metallurgical processes. The machines are operated by steam power, and include apparatus for crushing, screening, washing, concentrating, leaching, precipitating, and many other methods of ore treatment of the latest modern types. In the manipulation of these machines, and the tests made on a working scale the student is afforded opportunity for practice illustrative of the class-room work. The plant consists of a Dodge ore-crusher, a pair of Cornish rolls, elevator with deflecting spouts, automatic sampler, revolving screens, separators, rotating table, jigs, etc.; chlorine generator, tanks, rats and troughs, gas and blast furnace, with suitable appliances so arranged that they may be used together or separately as occasion may require. The extensive apparatus of other departments are equally available for this. COURSE IN MINING ENGINEERING. Required for the Degree of B. S, in School of Mining FBESHMAN YEAB. Engineering. 1. Trigonometry; Projection Drawing; Chemistry; French or German. 2. Analytical Geometry; Descriptive Geometry and Lettering; Chemistry; French or German. 3. Advanced Algebra; Free-Hand Drawing; Chemistry; French or German. SOPHOMOEE YEAB. 1. Land Surveying; Calculus; Chemistry. 2. Theory of Instruments; Advanced Analytical Geometry; Physics. 3. Topographical Surveying; Advanced Calculus; Physics. JUNIOB TEAS. 1. Mine Attack; Analytical Mechanics; Mineralogy. 2. Geology; Resistance of Materials; Assaying. 3. Geology; Mining Surveying; Metallurgy.
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