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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

34 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. 4. Physiology, Botany, Natural Philosophy; Latin Grammar and Reader, Caesar, Cicero, Virgil, and Latin Prose Composition, in addition to 1 and 2, for School of English and Modern Langauges. 5. Latin (as in 4), Greek Grammar and Reader, four books of Xenophon's Anabasis, and Greek Prose Composition in addition to the subjects of 1 and 2, for candidates for School of Ancient Languages. For further information concerning terms of admission, see "Admission" under the several Colleges ; also, " Preliminary year." COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS' CERTIFICATES. To prevent loss to those who are not prepared to enter the University, but might come, hoping to pass the examinations for admission, the following arrangement has been made: County Superintendents of Schools will be furnished with questions and instructions for the examination of candidates in the four common branches, Arithmetic, Geography, English Grammar, and History of the United States ; applicants who pass creditably will, when they present the superintendent's certificate to that effect, be admitted to the classes of the Preliminary year. Persons who hold teacher's certificates from County Superintendents will be admitted to the Preliminary class without further examination. HONORARY SCHOLARSHIPS. Provision has been made for one Honorary Scholarship for each county in the State. The holder of the scholarship may attend the University for four years, under proper regulations, free of charge for tuition or incidental expenses. The total value of this scholarship is <jj>90. Several of these scholarships are already occupied. The vacancies in other counties will befilledas follows: Examinations are to be held in the several counties, under the supervision of the County Superintendents thereof, on the first Friday and Saturday of J une, at such places as the Superintendents may select. Candidates for the examination must be approved by the Superintendents in the common English branches. Questions will be furnished from
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