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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

30 UNIVERSITY OE ILLINOIS. Live Stock Journal, monthly and American Florist. weekly. Hoard's Dairyman. Farmers' Review. Hellenike Georgia. ENGINEBBINO. Builder, London. Car and Locomotive Builder. American Engineer. American Architect. Trans. Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers.American Machinist. Engineering News. Western Manufacturer. Engineering and Mining Journal. Gazette of Patent Office. Scientific American. Mechanics. Scientific American Supplement. Locomotive. Sanitary Engineer. American Artisan. Electrician, London. School of Mines Quarterly. SCIENTIFIC. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Botanique, Paris. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Paris. Science. Nature, London. American Naturalist. Grevillea, London. Decorator and Furnisher. Art Amateur. Portfolio, London. Chemical News, London. Journal of Chemical Society, London. American Journal of Chemistry. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London. Boston Journal of Chemistry. Andover Review. Nineteenth Century. Edinbnrg Review. Contemporary Review. Fortnightly Review. North American Review. Forum. Atlantic Monthly. Century. Dial. Literary World. Education. Legal Adviser. Revue de Deux Mondes, Paris. Jahrbericht der Chemie, Giessen. Zeitschrift fur An Chemie. Berichte der Deutchen Chemischen Gessellschaft, Berlin. Popular Science Monthly. American Journal of Mathematics. American Journal of Science and Art Journal of Franklin Institute. Journal de Mathematiques. Mathematical Quarterly. Annals of Mathematics. Monthly Weather Review. Proceedings of American Philosophical Society. Annales des Mines. Revue d'Architecture. Lancet, London. Geological Magazine. Deutsche Rundschau, Berlin. Political Science Quarterly. Congressional Record. Champaign County Gazette. Champaign Times. Musical Record. Witness. English Historical Magazine. Library Journal. United States Government Publications. The Writer. Voice (Elocution). Chamber of Commerce Journal. LITEEAEY AND NEWS. The exchanges of the Illini are also free to the students in the Library.
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