Caption: Course Catalog - 1886-1887 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

50 University of Illinois. The State has provided a large Mechanical Laboratory and Workshop, furnished with complete sets of tools, benches, vices, and forges, with flasks for moulding in sand, and cupola for melting iron. STUDIES. The studies are given by the year and term in the tabular view of the course. The order there indicated should be closely followed, that the student may avoid interference of his hours of recitation. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING COURSE. Required for the Degree of B. S. in School of Mechanical Engineering. FIB9T YEAB. 1. Trigonometry; Projection Drawing; Shop Practice: German or French. 2. Analytical Geometry; Descriptive Geometry and Lettering; Shop Practice; German or French. 3. Advanced Algebra; Free Hand Drawing; Shop Practice; German or French. SECOND YEAB. Calculus; Designing and Construction of Machines; German or French. 2. Advanced Analytical Geometry; Designing and Construction of Machines; German or French. 3. Advanced Calculus; Engineering Materials; German or French. THIBD TEAS. 1. 1. Mechanism; Analytical Mechanics; Chemistry. 2. Physics; Resistance of Materials; Chemistry. 3. Physics; Advanced Descriptive Geometry; Astronomy. FOUBTH YEAB. 1. Prime Movers; Construction Drawing; Mental Science. 2. Prime Movers; Construction Drawing; Constitutional History. 3. Mill Work; Designing and Laboiatory Practice; Political Economy In this course the student will take two years of either French or German, but not one year of each.