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Caption: Course Catalog - 1886-1887 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Library. 27 plaster, and a complete set of drawings, of a competitive design for a monument to be erected in Rome, commemorative of Victor Bmanuel, first King of Italy. The monument was to be of white marble, an elaborate gothic structure, beautifully ornamented, and 300 feet high. Its estimated cost was to have been seven and a quarter million of francs. The design was placed by the art committee second on a list of 289 competitors; but both the first and second were set aside for political reasons. Mr. Gay's generous gift occupies the place of honor in the Museum of Industrial Arts. LIBRARY. The Library, selected with reference to the literary and scientific studies required in the several courses, includes over 16,000 volumes, and additions are made every year. The large library hall, fitted up as a reading-room, is open throughout the day for study, reading, and consulting authorities. It is intended that the use of the Library shall largely supplement the class-room instruction in all departments. Constant reference is made in classes to works contained in the Library, and their study is encouraged or required. The reading room is well provided with American, English, French, and German papers and periodicals, embracing some of the most important publications in science and art. The following periodicals are regularly received: PERIODICALS IN THE LIBRARY, 1887. AGEI0OLTUEA1 AND HOBTICULTUBAL. Prairie Farmer. Western Rural. Country Gentleman. Breeder's Gazette. Indiana Farmer. Agricultural Gazette, London. Gardeners' Chronicle, London. American Agriculturist. Western Agriculturist. Live Stock Journal, monthly and weekly. Horticulturist. Farmers' Review. Veterinary Journal. Industrialist. Farm, Field and Stockman. Rural New Yorker. Fruit Growers Journal. American Garden. American Florist. Hoard's Dairyman. ENGINEEBING. Builder, London. American Engineer. Transactions American Society of Civil Engineers. Engineering News. Engineering and Mining Journal. Scientific American. Scientific American Supplement. Sanitary Engineer. Railroad and Engineering Journal. American Architect. American Machinist. Western Manufacturer. Gazette of Patent Office. Mechanics. Locomotive. American Artisan.
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