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Caption: Course Catalog - 1883-1884 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
OFFICERS 7LXD INSTRUCTORS. PETER ROOS, Professor of Industrial Art and DesigDing. IRA 0. BAKER. Professor of Civil Engineering. WILLIAM McMURTRIE, E. M., Ph. D., Profess >r of Chemistry. BENJAMIN C. JILLSON, M. D., Ph. D., Professor of Geology and Z i CHARLES McCLURE, SECOND LIEUT. 18TH INFANTRY, U. S. A., Prjfessor of Military Science and Tactics. JEROME SONDERICKER, B. S., Assistant Professor of Engineering and Mathematics. CHARLES W. ROLFE, M. S., Assistant Professor of Natural History. ARTHUR T. WOODS, ASSISTANT ENGINEER, U. S. N., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. EDWIN A. KIMBALL, Instructor in Iron-work, and Foreman. GEORGE W. PARKER, Instructor in Wood-work, and Foreman*.
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