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Caption: Course Catalog - 1877-1878 Version B This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

22 Illinois Industrial University. added for binding. If Bristol board is used it must be cut 8xio inches, and the binding margin hinged on with muslin. CONTRIBUTIONS. Our friends and students are invited to send us specimens of material and manufactures, and drawings, models or photographs of machinery, bridges, and other engineering and architectural works. Finished and detailed working drawings, perhaps otherwise useless, may'be of great value for instruction. Illustrated circulars and1 price lists of manufacturing firms are desired. Contributions will be labeled with the doners' names and placed in the cabinets of the College for the inspection of students, and the illustration of lectures. SPECIAL EXERCISES, VACATION JOURNALS, AND MEMOIRS. During the second and third vacations, Journals are required to be kept by each student of the College, to be presented at the opening of the winter term, and read before the faculty and students of the College, in evening sessions. The Journal should consist of illustrated descriptions of engineering and architectural subjects : such as important steam engines, water and gas works, mines and mining machinery. Special methods in use of government and land surveys, make-up of parties ; plans and ornamentation of important buildings; architectural style and details, stability, economy and novelty of construction of roof trusses, arches, bridges, canals and reservoirs, peculiar instruments, machinery for spinning metals, making gas pipes, saws, etc. THESES. In all the schools of this College a Thesis is required as a condition of graduation. It must be an original composition of suitable length, upon a subject appropriate to the school, and approved by the Professor in charge. The student must be prepared to explain and defend it before his class. It must be illustrated with such photographs, drawings and sketches as may be needed, and embellished with a title page neatly designed and printed with India ink, or colors. It must be upon Regulation Paper and securely bound. It will be prepared during the latter part of the fourth year and presented at the close of the course, after which it will be deposited in the Library of the University. The Vacation Journals will be preserved in the cabinets of the respective schools for future reference. These papers, and also the practical exercises mentioned in each course, will be credited upon the diploma, and no course of the College will be accounted complete without them.
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