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Caption: Course Catalog - 1876-1877 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Organization of the University. SCIENTIFIC. 19 American Chemist, American Journal of Science, Grevillea, Polytechnisches Journal, Augsburg, Popular Science Monthly, Official Patent Office Gazette, Patent Right Gazette, Jahrbericht der Chemie, Oeiesen, Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Viehsucht, Berlin, American Naturalist, Annalen der Chemie, British Microscopic Journal, Comptes Rendus, Paris, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Nature, London, NEWS. Champaign County Gazette, Rantoul Journal, Champaign Union, Champaign Times, Urbana Republican, Douglas Co. Review, Danville News. ORGANIZATION OF THE UNIVERSITY. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. The Institution is a true University in the best American sense, though not yet complete in all departments, and differing designedly in the character of some of its Colleges from the older institutions of this country. It is divided into four Colleges, and these are again subdivided into Schools. A School is understood to embrace the course of instruction needful for some one profession or vocation. Schools that are cognate in character and studies, are grouped under the same College. I. THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. School of Agriculture. School of Horticulture. II. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. School of Mechanical Engineering. School of Civil Engineering. School of Mining Engineering. School of Architecture. III. THE COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE. School of Chemistry. School of Natural History. IV. THE COLLEGE OF LITERATURE AND SCIENCE. School of English and Modern Languages. School of Ancient Languages. V. ADDITIONAL SCHOOLS. School of Military Science. School of Commerce. Sohool of Domestic Science. School of Art and Design. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Telegraphing and Photography are also taught, but not in regular courses.
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