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Caption: Course Catalog - 1873-1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Departments. HORTICULTURE. 43 The studies in this department will include the formation, management and care of gardens, hot-beds, propagating houses, green-houses nurseries, orchards, tree plantations and ornamental grounds. The instruction will be from text-books and by lectures in the class-room, together with illustrations and applications in the propagating and greenhouses, botanical garden and arboretum, and upon the vegetable and fruit grounds. See also page 25. 2. Composition and classes of soils, with reference to their uses; Fertilizers; Vegetable physiology, and laws of growth of plants; Chemical treatment of soils; Manufacture and application of manure ; Laying out and mapping of grounds ; Mechanical treatment of soils ; Drainage; Insects injurious to vegetation. 3. Fruit growing ; Planting and treatment of orchards ; Forest culture; Management of Nurseries; Propagating, grafting, etc.; Plans of orchards, gardens, etc.; Records ; Management of market and vegetable gardens; Small fruit culture. 4. Care of hot and green-houses ; Propagating houses ; Conservatories; Floriculture; Garden architecture; Ornamentation; Greenhousework; Landscape gardening; Ancient and foreign horticulture. ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE. See the Schools of Engineering and the School of Architecture, pages 26 to 35 ; also the courses of study on pages 53 and 58. CHEMISTRY. To accommodate those who have a particular object in view, this department has three special courses of Laboratory work arranged. See also pages 36 and 37, and list of Periodicals, page 51. AGRICULTURAL. 1. Inorganic, Organic, and Agricultural Chemistry; Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Salts; Chemical Physics. 2. Analysis of Clays, Marls, Mineral Waters, Manures, Soils and Vegetable Products. 3. Isolation of Organic Acids and Bases ; Estimation of Hydrogen, Carbon, Sulphur, Sugar, Tannin, etc. 4. Analysis of Air, Illuminating Gas, etc.; Study of Poisons. TECHNICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL. 1. The same as AGRICULTURAL, except Agricultural Chemistry. 2. Quantitative Analysis of Dolomite, Marl, Silicates, and Ores ; Preparation of Acids, Alkalies and Salts. 3. The same as in AGRICULTURAL, with. Electroplating, Bleaching, Dyeing, Tanning, and Assaying. 4. Same as in AGRICULTURAL, with Photography.
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