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Caption: Course Catalog - 1873-1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

School of Natural History. 37 the shortness of their beams, and remarkable for the accuracy and rapidity with which weighing can be executed with them. A Natterer's carbon dioxide condenser, and an extensive set of metallurgical apparatus, consisting of models of furnaces, etc., have been ordered, and are expected at an early date. The Library of the School has recently been enriched with complete sets of standard scientific works; the Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie; the Jahresbericht ueber die Fortschritte der Chemie; Dingler's Polytechnic Journal; the Handwoerterbuch der Chemie ; Percy's Mettallurgy; Silliman's Journal. See Table of Contents for the list of periodicals taken. SCHOOL OF NATURAL HISTORY. OBJECT OF THE SCHOOL. The aim of this School is to thoroughly educate and prepare practical geologists, collectors and curators of cabinets and museums of natural history, and superintendents of scientific explorations and surveys. INSTRUCTION. The instruction is given by lectures and text-books, and excursions are made under charge of the professors. The Course of Studies will be found on page 57, course 8. Vacation journals and memoirs are required, as in the College of Engineering. APPARATUS. Collections of specimens and illustrative apparatus are being rapidly provided by purchase, manufacture and donation. In BOTANY the School has an extensive and valuable Herbarium, collected by several expeditions, and largely increased from other sources ; also a Lignarium exhibiting woods in section. It has a fine collection of enlarged papier-mache models of flowers and fruits, made by Dr. Auzoux, of Paris, and dissected to exhibit perfectly the most minute organs and tissues ; among these are a pink, a papilionaceous flower, a cherry, a strawberry, a pea-pod with peas, a vetch legume, a grain of wheat, etc. The Green-houses, Arboretum and Botanical Garden, are open to the students of this School. Seepage 17. In ZOOLOGY the Cabinets contain : a human skeleton, purchased in Paris, and a manikin made by Dr. Auzoux ; skeletons of a cow and other mammals, and of birds ; stuffed preparations of a large number of birds, mammals, fishes, reptiles, etc.; a dissected horse's leg and hoof, a dissected eye, trachea and vocal apparatus, in papier-mache, by Dr. Auzoux ; collections of shells, fossils and insects. In ENTOMOLOGY : Dr. Le Baron, State Entomologist, required by law to make collections for the University, is preparing a full suite of specimens. A large number have been received. In GEOLOGY : a complete collection of specimens from the State Geological Survey. In MINERALOGY, PALAEONTOLOGY, etc.; large collections, with preparations of ores. There is also a large dissolving-view camera and slides, for illustrating Astronomy, Geology, Zoology, and History.
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