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Caption: Course Catalog - 1870-1871 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
31 heers, and to prepare them to invent, construct atid manage all kinds of machinery. The instruction, while severely scientific, is also severely practical, and aims at a thorough understanding and mastery of all the mechanical principles and devices. Shop practice is required as a regular study in the course. The students of this department, under the direction of the Foreman, have manufactured a steam engine, several lathes, and many pieces of finely finished apparatus. They also haye done a large amount of work for outside parties, including patterns for castings, models for the Patent Office, a heliotrope for the United States Coast Survey, several thermometer graduating machines, and some pieces of scienoific apparatus for other institutions. Several of the foregoing and some others were invented by the Instructors. Three patents have been allowed for the inventions made in this department during the past year. APPARATUS. The new Mechanical Building, which is to be ready for occupancy at the opening of the Fall term, in September next, will have a large machine shop fitted up with a steam engine, with power and hand lathes for iron and brass, a planer, drilling machine, a lathe for wood turning, benches and vises for a large class of students. It will also contain a boiler and forge room, with forges and tools, and brass furnace; a carpenter's shop, with benches and sets of bench tools, lathes, buzz and jig saws, &c.; paint and printing rooms, and draughting, finishing and model rooms. The College has also good collections of apparatus for the illustration of the principles of Physics and Mechanical Science. The following is the course of studie3 recommended : FIRST YEAR. First Term. Geometry, Drawing, English or Latin,History two lectures a week. Second Term. Geometry and Algebra,Descriptive Geometry, English or Latin, History. Third Term. Algebra, Botany, English or Latin; SECOND YEAR. First Term. Trigonometry, Designing and Drawing; Chemistry. Second Term. Analytical Geometry; Shades, Shadows and Perspective, Shop Practice. Third Term. Calculus, Shop Practice, Chemical analysis. THIRD YEAR. First Term. Calculus, Principles of mechanism; French or German, History. Second Term. Analytical Mechanics; Physics, French or German, History Ihird Term. Analytical Mechanics and Astronomy, Physics, French or German. FOURTH YEAR. First Term. Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Thermo Dynamics, Strength of materials, Geology. Second Term. Prime movers and mill work, Complete Drawings of existing machines and tools; History of Civilization Logic. Third Term. Mill work and machines ; Complete Drawings, estimates and designs, Constitutional Law, or Political Economy, Inductive Logic. 2.—SCHOOL OP CIVIL ENGINEERING. This school is designed to make good practical Engineers, thoroughly prepared for all branches of Engineering work, Railroad surveys Topographic and* Geodesic Surveying, Bridge building, Government Surveying, etc. Several of the students, though not, yet through their course,
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