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Caption: Course Catalog - 1870-1871 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
geography will keep even pace with the history studied, and the chronoU ogy .will be rendered as clear and distinct as possible. Written exercise3 on chronology, and essays in historical criticism, will constitute prominent features of the course. FIRST YEAR.—First Term.—Discovery, settlement and colonial history of the United States, with notices of other American States; American geography. Two lectures (or lessons) a week. Second Term.—History of the United States from the time of the Kevolution. Two lectures (or lessons) a week. SECOND YEAR.—First Term.—-Ancient history of Greece and Rome, with notices of other ancient nations; ancient geography. Five lessons (or lectures) a week. Second Term.—Mediaeval history. Jhird Term. —Modern history—general European history; European geography. Five lessons (or lectures) a week. Political economy. THIRD YEAR.—-First Term.—Constitutional history of England, and of the United States. Two lectures a week. Second Term.—History of Civilization ; analysis of historical forces and phenomena; notices of the history of the arts and of the inductive sciences. Third Term.—Political philosophy ; constitutional and international law. COMMERCIAL, The course in this department will occupy one year, the first term of which will be occupied in teaching the principles of book-keeping in general; the second, their application to special lines of business, general business forms and papers, and the third, to the higher operations of a counting house, commercial law and political economy. Students who wish to prepare for a commercial career, and also acquire a general education, may extend this course through two or more years, by taking such collateral studies as their contemplated vocation may render desirable. Studies recommended for this purpose, would be : The English and German Languages, Mathematics, one or two terms of Chemistry (for druggists, etc.), and History. First Term.—IJpok-keeping by single and double entry; theory of mercantile accounts, and the several principal and auxiliary books. Penmanship; commercial calculations. Second Term..—Partnership accounts; commission and shipping; farm books; business forms and papers; notes, drafts, exchange, endorsements; bills of lading ; accounts current; account sales ; inventories, invoices, etc. Commercial correspondence. MILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS. This Department is organized under the provision of the Acts of the National and State Governments, requiring the instruction in Military Tactics. The Board of Trustees of this University have adopted the rule, that all students shall, unless excused for sufficient cause, take part in military exercise, as aggregation of numbers is a paramount necessity to render such instruction effective. The instruction in this Department will be given in two sub-divisions, arranged as follows;
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