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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Illinois Industrial University. AIMS OF THE UNIVERSITY. The chief aim of the Industrial University, as expressed in the law of Congress, is " THE LIBERAL AND PRACTICAL EDUCATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL CLASSES in the several pursuits and professions in life." In order to this, it is required, under the Statute of Incorporation, " to teach, in the most thorough manner, such branches of learning as are related to Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, and Military Tactics, without excluding other scientific and classical studies." The hope of the Trustees and Faculty is that the Institution will produce scholars of sound learning, but also of practical sense and skill — men abreast with their times — men of Christian culture, trained to affairs, and able and willing to lend a helping hand in all the great practical enterprises of this most practical age; and to be leaders, if need be, in those mighty industrial interests on which the social well-being and civilization of our country so much depend. It is also their aim and hope that the University shall contribute to the increase and diffusion of real science, and especially of that science which bears upon and promotes the useful arts. STUDIES, AND COURSES OF INSTRUCTION. Instruction will be provided in the following branches of knowledge and arts: In the English, French, German, Latin and Greek languages and literatures; in the several branches of Mathematical science, pure and applied, except common Arithmetic ; in the physical sciences, Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Botany, Zoology, Entomology, Physiology, animal and vegetable, Comparative Anatomy, Mineralogy, Meteorology, Geology, Astronomy, History, ancient and modern, Political Economy, Civil Polity, Rural Economy and Law, Rhetoric, Philology, Logic, Mental Science, Ethics, History of Science and Philosophy ; also in Penmanship, Drawing, Composition, Elocution, and Vocal Music ; in Agriculture, Horticulture, Fruit Growing, Landscape Gardening, Architecture, Military Tactics, Civil and Military Engineering, Mechanics, Mining and Metallurgy, Analytical Chemistry, and in some of the Mechanic Arts.
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