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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

756 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dell, R. J. C . degree, ai8 Dickinson, F. G., appointments, 206, 646 Delson, R. L., certificatp, 241 Dickinson, H. K., commission, 724 DeMar, B. M., appointments, 414, 681 degree, 712 Demming, L. F., appointment, 672 Dickson, D., appointments, 64, 329, 681 DeMoulin Brothers, contract, 2 Dickson, D. E., degree, 712 Dempster Mill Company, gift, 10 Dickson, R. J., degree, 721 Denenholz, E. J., degree, 240 Dieckmann, J. M., certificate, 241 Denes, N. G., degree, 231 Diederich, L. J., degree, 718 Denise, R. E., degree, 221 Diener, E. L., degree, 223 Denison, S. A., degree, 33 Diesel engine, purchase of, 558 Dennis, A., appointment, 37 Dieterle, D, L., degree, 714 Dennis, H. A., appointment, 641 Dietrich, E. F., degree, 731 degree, 236 Dictz, F. C , appointments, 290, 502, 640 Dent, B., appointments, 303, 652 Di Gilio, E., certificate, 243 Dental Building bonds, 79. 124. 357 Di Gilio, F. N., certificate, 243 canceled, 118, 434 degree, 734 purchase authorized, 163 Dillard, P. R., degree. 236 retired, 197 Dillavou, E. R., appointments, 111, 295, 297, 645, Dental Illustration, budget, expense, 332, 684 646 Dental Materia Medica and Therapeutics, balance Dillenback, L. C , appointment, 300 reappropnated, 614 salary, 353 Dental Orthodontia, balance reappropriated, 614 resignation, 701 Dentistry, College of, admission requirements, Diller, A., degree, 730 changed, 68 fellowship, 160 appropriations, 78, 128 Dillner, A. E., degree, 218 reappropriation, 358 Dillon, A. L-, degree, 712 special, 336, 693 Dillon, A. W., degree, 717 attendance, 398 Dillon, C. F., degree, 711 budget, adjustment, 149 Dillon, D. G „ degree, 717 summaries, 332, 684 Dillon, J., degree, 218 buildings, 46, 51, 68 Dine, W . C , Jr., degree, 75» Set also Medical and Dental Laboratories Dingledy, P. G., degree, 238 Building Directors, Athletic Association, appointments, 541 revolving fund, 387, 400 delegation of signatures, 144 tuition fee, 583 Directory, Alumni, balance reappropnated, 271, Orthodontia, 267 613 payable in three parts, 509 contract, 268 Deobald, H. J., commission, 234 Disease, inheritance of, resistance to, Roberts degree, 212 investigation, 146 Depke, H. F., degree, 714 Dismukea, J. B., appointments, 391, 683 Deposit funds, 693 Dismukes, W . P., appointment, 642 Derby, W . R,, commission, 234 Dispensary, budget, expense, 326, 678 degree, 225 salary, 328, 680 Dermatology, budget, expense, 326, 678 contract for optical service, 546. 561, 586 salary, 328, 679 position of cashier established, 440 clinical faculty, 345. 679 Ditkowsky, S. I., degree, 731 purchase of radium, 158 Dittmar, G. W., appointments, 334, 686 Derrough, C. E., appointments, 303, 652 statement, 46 Derrough, H., contracts, 189, 485 Diver, G. L., degree, 223 Dertinger, G. S., degree, 233 Dixon, C. M., degree, 731 Derwent, E. F.T appointment, 356, 598 Doak, C. C , appointment, 634 DeSaegher, J. A., degree, 242 Doak, J., appointments, 282, 631 Desai, G. V., degree, 62 Dobin, R. A., degree, 733 DeSelm, C. W., degree, 721 Dobry, L. F., degree, 711 Desmond, T. J., degree, 499 Dockeray, F. C , appointment, 110 Dickinson,718 H.,degree, 733 23.5 Dick, H,C. I,H.,degree, 218 713 Dice,point224L-, commission, 725 681 Dibble, ElectricE>,appointments, 167, Diamond,E.,inB.,appointments,329.424,294 De wYoung,730E.,Company, 226of310,engines, DexterH.J.E-,degree, 714716contract, 681 DeWolf,F.T.A.appointments, 125 656660635 82 Dewey, S.,G.E.,degree,231408307,rightson, 544 D edegree,CJ.,degree,707132347286,329,gymnasium, Dolan,L,MJ.L.,A.,degree,13272'112, 654638 648 Dew, T. degree,degree, DeVries, O., degree, DeVol, E.H. degree,224 Devine,H. W., appointments, Deuss, E. ,B. appointment, Deuel, B.H., appointments,707 DeTurk, L.indicator, combustion DeTrana,C.M.,internalrelease DetonationE., S., appointments, Dethmann, W., degree, Vito, A., 355 Dollins,R.406 appointments, 724 649 Dolley,E.M235appointments, 287, 695 Dollahan,.W., degree, 707 S32, 637 Dolk, K.D.M., Cdegree, 717218724301,644 Dolch, L..225degree, 707714 289, 524,651 Doland,MA.717J., commission,392, 298, 504, Doms, WC.V. commission, Dollahon, 715 appointments, Doescher, A.G.,appointments, 343, Doepp, G.J., 234 Dodge,T.CA., 576degree,721 299, Dodds, C.jP., , Dodd, J. .S., degree, 733 Dod, degree, W., appointments, degree* ,F., appointments, commission, degree,710 scholarship, U-, A., CC., E., K., W., J., 231 130
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