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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

682 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Qune 19 Salary 3. Florence W . Hark (Mrs.), Instructor DG50 1 200 4. H. Maryan, Instructor DG50 1 000 5. , Instructor DGa5 400 6. H. H. Hill, Assistant and Resident (1 yr. from July 1, 1930) F 1 000 7. Jane R. McLaughlin, Assistant DG25 400 8. Alfred Kobak, Assistant DG25 400 9. L. J. Rossiter, Technician DG;o 900 (See Surgery 900) (Total Salary 1 800) 10. C. H. Lesage, Assistant and Resident (1 yr. from July 1, 1930) F 1 000 !j 1 >jurse Supervisor of Out-Patient Department D 1 500 12. , Assistant Out-Patient Nurse D 1 200 13. , Stenographer (C. S.) 1 200 Total, Obstetrics and Gynecology $ 19 100 Ophthalmology 1. Hallard Beard, Associate Professor D G 5 0 $ 1 800 a. M . L. Folk, Associate (6 mos. from March 1, 1931) FG50 750 3. Samuel Wolf, Instructor DG50 600 4. Edward Horick, Refractionist DG50 1 020 5. Mahlon Palmer, Resident (1 yr. from July i, 1930) F 600 6. Charlotte Karpass, Technician DG50 750 (See Hospital Laboratory 750) (Total Salary 1 500) Total, Ophthalmology $ 5 520 Pathology and Bacteriology 1. D. J. Davis, Professor and Head of Department A $ Dean D (Salary under Administration) 1. W . F. Peterson, Professor A 6 500 3. L. Arnold, Professor A 5 500 4 . ( Associate Professor A 4 500 5. I. Pilot, Associate Professor DG50 1 600 6. B. Goldberg, Assistant Professor A (No salary) 7. B. Z. Rappaport, Associate DG75 (No salary) 8. A. J. Nedzel, Associate D 3 000 9. G. Milles, Instructor D 2 400 Total, Pathology and Bacteriology $ 37 840 10. L. Parmacek, Instructor E 2 000 Pharmacology and Therapeutics 11. R. J. Kremer, Instructor EG50 1 000 1. A G 5 $ 7 500 , 2H. A. McGuigan,Instructor and Head of Department 1 Professor D 0 1 200 2. W . Lepak, Chief Technician D 4 500 13. Joe J. R. Camp, Assistant Professor D 1 800 3. P. L. Ewing, Associate D 2 500 14. S. Moore, Technician D 1 aoo 4. H. Paulsen (Mrs.), Technician , Instructor D 1 500 15. D 1 500 5. A. Verne Masterson, Stenographer (C. S.) La Sruogins, Technician 1 500 16. D 1 200 17. , Technician D 1 200 18. Marie Gustafson, Technician D 1 320 19. Gertie Strand (Mrs.), Laboratory Helper D 720 ao. Mildred Rosenberg, Stenographer (C. S.) G75 900
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