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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
222 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 11 William Foley Henky, with Honors Wilbur Claire Shand Ben Wilson Howk, with High Honors Roy Kenneth Snyder Richard Theodore Ubben William Frederick Knop James Hamilton Young Milton Herman Kreimeier Constantine D Zannis Oscar Robert Kreimeier In Chemical Engineering Esther Alice Round Ralph Vincent Boyer Byron Marquis Martin Buck, with High Honors Roy Myron Miller Harold William Catt Joseph Edward Shaw Ernst Otto Edelmann Hal Jay Son a Ludvik Joseph Koci, with Honors Michael Volcsko Harry Litwin, OF COMMERCE AND Henry Welge, with Honors with Honors COLLEGE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree of Bachelor o Science f In Accountancy William Anderson, Jr. Everett Butler Neville, with Honors Sam Marshal Avidon Leslie Faye Patton George Earl Best James Lawrence Perry Shumway Jacob Bird Edward Hjalmar Petersen, with Jess L Bitzer High Honors Clyde Kenneth Bowles Joseph Lynn Pflug James Upton Bronson George E Potts Mary Helen Carson George Robert Radke Leland Hooker Cass Lynn George Sahlin, with Honors Clive Fleeming Dunham, with Edwin Christian Schilling High Honors Joseph Russell Shrader, with Honors Margaret Olive Finnicum Hayward Matthews Smith Frank Clarence Gabriel Henry Mitchel Spack, with Howard William Geist High Honors Frank William Gerwig, with Honors Samuel Waldo Specthrie, with Maurice Francis Gilman High Honors Arthur Greve Hieronymus, with Claude Bertram Stanley High Honors Chi Fong Sun Harry Hulman Hale Arthur Thompson, with Maurice William Huston In Banking and Finance Honors Hiram Freeman Bright Richards Lindley Layman David Doyle Jacobs, with High Honors Stanley Ray Wadsworth William Thomas Cameron Edward Russell Johnson, with HonorsElizabeth Mansfield Samuel Herbert Weber Robert Emmet Kittle Robert Stephen Nesbitt Keith Howard Duffy Grant Harrison Wier William MacVicar Raymond La Verne Robinson John Lours Laden Exley Claude Alden White Byron Hen son Fuller Milton John Rose Clarence Arthur Martin Raymond Elmer Wilkinson Armand Lee Martin Alvin Maceo Rucker James Alvin Hoffman George Edwin Yanos Edgar Alan Howard Floyd Walsh Sanders Marion Crampton Jahn In Commerce and Law Glenn Raymond Wahl Sidney Jackson William Marble Willett, Jr. HarveyKaplan Deobald Albert Edward Hallett Charles HermanGarretson Kloppenburg Robert Clayton Albert Llewellyn Herman
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