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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 207 SCHOLASTIC R E Q U I R E M E N T S IN COLLEGE O F MEDICINE (59) The faculty of the College of Medicine recommends, and the Council of Administration, acting for the University Senate concurs, that the following scholastic requirements be adopted: 1. Grades of at least "C," or 75 per cent, or an equivalent grade from institutions using a different system of marking as determined by the University, in at least threefourths of the work of the two years of pre-medical courses shall be required for admission to the freshman class of the College of Medicine (effective for students entering October 1, 1930). 2. Grades of at least "C," or 75 per cent, in at least three-fourths of the work of the first two years in the College of Medicine shall be required for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Medicine (effective for candidates for B.S. in June, 1931). 3. Grades of at least "C," or 75 per cent, in at least three-fourths of the work of the four years made up of the two pre-medical years and the first two years in the College of Medicine, shall be required of students before they m a y continue in the clinical, or third and fourth years of the College of Medicine (effective for students beginning third year in College of Medicine, October 1, 1931). O n m o t i o n of M r . Trees, these requirements w e r e a d o p t e d . REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ILLINOIS POWER A N D LIGHT CORPORATION C O N T R A C T President Armstrong presented the following report: The s e i l committee to which was referred a proposed agreement with the pca Illinois Power and Light Corporation to furnish the University with electrical power reports as follows: Your Committee had this matter considered by the Electrical Engineering Department of the University and by Professor White for study and, after giving the matter full consideration, the committee is impressed with the advantages of having an arrangement with the Power C o m p a n y which will enable the University to obtain electrical power if necessity should require at any time, and especially to obtain power during the summer months when the heating plant is not in operation. A written agreement has been prepared which seems to comply with the requirements of the University for the furnishing of this electrical power by the Power Company. Your committee, therefore, recommends that the agreement presented be submitted to the Legal Counsel of the University as to its legal aspects and, if approved by him, that the same be entered into by the Board of Trustees. J. W. Armstrong Merle J. Trees George A. Barr On motion of Dr. Noble, this report was adopted. OPERATION OF MCKINLEY HOSPITAL Dr. Noble, for the special committee on the operation of the M c Kinley Hospital, made a report of progress. CARTER-PENNELL REPORT Mrs. Busey, for the Committee on Agriculture, reported that the committee had considered the report, and recommended that i be t approved. The Sixth Annual Report of the Carler-Pennell Farms March 1, 1928, to February 28, 1929 The net income to the University from the Carter-Pennell farms was $2,302.21 for the year ending February 28, 1929. This is the best income received from the farms in any year that they have been under the control of the University except in 1923. In that year a slightly larger income was realized, due to the inclusion of some of the preceding year's income in the 1923 report. The larger income for the past year reflects directly the soil improvement work which has been done and the change in the type of farming.
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