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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

BIDS ON L I N O L E U M L I B R A R Y A D D I T I O N NO. 3. L I N C O L N H A L L A D D I T I O N , A N D M A T E R I A L S T E S T I N G L A B O R A T O R Y April 29, 1929 Library Addition No. 3 Lincoln Hall Addition Materials Testing Laboratory $2 298 56 Deduction per yd. for amission of Library Addition No. 3 $1 79 Bidders Brass Edging Total £10 457 32* Bachmann Company, Inc $4 666 60 £3 492 16 Decatur, 111. C. A. Kiler 3 436 58 4 204 68 2 624 04 $262 50 10 527 78! 2 22 Champaign, 111. (1548 yds.)' (1894 yds.)1 Gus J. DahlCo 4 921 56 3 802 68 2 700 81 Add 20c ft. 11 425 03' I 89 Chicago, 111. Certainteed Products Corp 5 196 00 3 792 00 2 647 00 11 63s oo> 1 97 Rockford, 111. Illinois Printing Co S 488 00 4 095 00 2 -57 00 12 34.0 00* 2 05 Danville, 111. W. Lewis & Co 13 216 00' Champaign, 111. Wm. Slater, Jr 5 770 50 4 377 00 3 110 00 13 257 50' 2 13 Chicago, 111. Block & Kuhl 6 018 00 4 505 63 2 913 60 13 437 23* Peoria, 111. •Indicates Bonded Floors Co. Product. tindicates Gold Seal or W & J Sloane Linoleum. 'Insufficient yardage figured. 'Indicates Congoleum-Nairn. 'Indicates Certainteed Battleship Linoleum. 'Indicates Armstrong Cork Co. Linoleum. (1182 yds.)' 300 ft. (4624 yds.)' James M . White Supervising Architect
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