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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS X-R*y apparatus, 166 fees, *rhedule, 592 insurance, 222, 387 TftCkel, W. C.f degree. 253 YaKya, M A„ degree, 446 YangL C. H., de&ret, 512 Yanowsky, F< C.„ CP.A. certificate, 44 Yapp, W . W-, appointment, 347 Yarlinch F, W., com mission, 622 degree, 616 Yarros, RT S,r appointment, 389 Yatc£T H<, appointments, 74, 3.17 Yates, M+ R^. degree! 611 Yates, R> W „ degree, 614 Yeiicn. G., degree, 175 Yerger, C F., appointment, 390 Y, M . C. A. committee, request. 415 Ynterna, L. F.b appointments, lOQ, 3-4* 521 Yockey, J< C., dtKTec, 446 Yoder, A, Srp decree. 6it YoJcrT Lh Oh, appointment, l& Yohe, Gr R,. appointments, 325, 555 York, C, P., degree, 250 Yo'jfccr, M . A,, degree, 612 Young, A, D,, degree, 6 n Young, A. L.. appointment, 348 Young, K, V,, dfgrec, 446 Young, 0- II', appointments, 167, 341, 524 Young, P. A-t decree, 265 Young, P. T»„ appointment, 319 leave of abscnte, 591 Young, R, Cm decree, 249 Young. S,. decree. 267 Yo5injfT V. R., scholarship, 602 Young, W , TIr, appointment. 345 Young, W , M., appointment, 34.1 decree, 6:8 Youn,gT W , Clyde, degree, 357 Young, W . Cyrus, degree. Si Young & GVs. audit reports, 5.0, 84, i n , 241, 394- 431, 598 Younger, L- I,, degree, 250 Yu, R., Jr., degree^ 614 703 Yuan, T. T*. decree. 430 Yuengir, A. T+, degree, 615 Z&bett J. It., degree, 615 Zacher, A- N.+ commission, 622 degree, 614 Zadek, J. G., degree, 156 Zalewsti, C. SrT degree, 6 n Zander, E, H., degree, 257 Zaucha, F. L.h degree, 632 Zeiler. E. H., degree, 169 ZcjtJjn, J-, appointment*, xoi. 32s, 5*3 ZeUlin, R., degree, 175, 632 Zeleny, C , appointments, 330, 525 Zeltmann, F, C , degree, 614 Zemin, B., degree, 633 Zerby, P. Er, degree. 262 Zick, H. EM degree, 173 Ziegler, D* L., degree, 621 Ziegler, II. 1L, degree. 614 Zfegltr, Mr £.. degree, 253 Zimtmn, E., degree, 611 Zimmer, IL W,, degree, 612 Zimmerman, A. F\, appointment, 555 Zimmerman, A- G-, appointment, 391 Zimmerman, L. R., Jiprwiinimema, 47^, jS6 Zimmerman, R„ degree, 615 Zimmerman, R- L., appointment, 347 Zimmerman, W * J., degrees, 170, 516 Zingrebe, R.h commission, 622 degree, 6tl Zink, FT Ijj C.P.Ah certificate, 44 Zipse, R. F., degree, 632 Zitzewiiz, A. 7., degree, 617 Zivi, W . M., degree, 513 Zoerh, J. G-, degree, 257 Zoology budget, 330 expense, 322 salaries, 321 Zuppke, R, C*i appointments, i;o. 201, 334, salarv. i*;6 Zwdikc, W-h ippointments, 327, 379, 522, 555 Zwick, A., degree, 249
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